Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

Bahasa JAWA - ARAB

Hallo,ini hanyalah sekedar informasi. Setiap golongan atau perkumpulan memiliki bahasa yang berbeda. Bahasanya terkadang tidak dimengerti oleh orang lain. Kadang orang lain menyebutnya aneh. Dari kata yang "baik" sampai "jorok". Kebayakan yang paling keluar adalah kata-kata jorok.
Tapi dalam hal ini diambil sisi positifnya saja.

Dalam pergaulan saya, teman- teman saya menggunakan bahasa JAWA - ARAB. Memang agak sulit untuk mencampur dari kedua bahasa tersebut.
Contohnya : "Jal, mene yamsi-yamsi nang suuqun ahad" yang artinya "Kawan,besok jalan-jalan ke pasar minggu".dan masih byak lagi.,,,,,
inilah kata-kata yang biasa di ucapkan

Hareem jamil Gomes = wanita cantik semog
Reja' = pulang
Darojah = sepeda
Baitul = rumah
Yamshi = jalan
Ngesuf = Lihat
Jalasa = duduk
Yasalam =
Reejal = laki-laki
Mahfi Fulus = miskin duit
Haraq = Buang air besar
Reqod = tidur
Seqod = makan
Alafu = minta maaf
Gaoa Laban = Kopi Susu
Laban Kabir = susu besar
ana = saya
ente = kamu

inilah contoh dari gabungan bahasa jawa + arab

-Jal, ana mang ketemu hareem jamil gomes ndek suuqun,pokoke ajib jal.
-Jal, saya tadi bertemu wanita cantik semok di pasar,pokoknya sip.

-Ana pesen gaoa lakban 1,ente opo jal?
-Saya pesan kopi susu, kamu apa?

Masih banyak lagi kata-kata yang dapat digabung. Apalagi kalau Jawanya dari Kota malang, bahasa Jawa Malang terkenal dengan di bolak balik seperti Ongis Nade(Singo Edan), Oges Lecep(Sego Pecel), semakin banyak kata-kata yang keluar semakin tewur.

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Hi, meet me again the cutie girly, yupz…Jasmine! You know…that I am so happy today, because we will visit my aunt in his farm. I will go there with Aurora, Belle, and Mulan.
“Jasmine…Where are you? Let’s go now!” Belle said. “Have you prepared your and your to your aunt?”
“I am here. I am so ready, and…gift? Ummm…what is that? I forget” Jasmine said
“OMG! JASMINE! Your gift for your aunt. The new for aunt tulip.” Aurora said
“Hei Aurora…oh you are surprising me. Hoho…oh yes, I remembered it. I have put it in…ummm…AHHA! Under my bed! I will take it” Jasmine said while running into the room.

“Hey…where is Mulan . Don’t say that she is in the refrigerator again. Oh God!” Aurora said.
“Oh yes…I forget to it when Mulan is in here” Belle said.
(They entered the kitchen in a hurry…when Mulan is…crying!)
“Hey…what happen? Are you okay Mulan?” Belle said softly.
“Hiks..hiks…I am so sad! I can’t do this?” Mulan said.
“Do this? What? You mean that you don’t want to follow us visiting aunt Tulip?” Aurora asked
“No...No! Really… I want to join...but I can’t leave the refrigerator . She must be sad without me. The phone will her with his disturbing ringing…Hua…hua…” Mulan said.
“Argghhh…let’s go now Belle! All things in here make me so mad!” Aurora grumbled
“Ha…ha…Mulan. Don’t worry; the refrigerator will be just fine.” Belle said calmly.
“Is that so? If it is okay, let’s go now! I think the is naughty too, she never let me enter it!” Mulan said while walking, leaving Belle .
(Finally….after a long debate with Mulan and Jasmine about the route to Aunt Tulip, Belle, Aurora, Jasmine and Mulan go to there by bus)
“AAAhhh…finally we arrived! The bus is fast. How come Jasmine said that it will be fast by bicycle.” Aurora said
“Yes…I ever proved it. But the bicycle must be with motor” Belle said.
“Jasmine…when bicycle is equipped with motor, it must be , and of course it is fast!” Aurora said. “But the muffler is sometime so noisy and smoky”
“No! My daddy’s motor is never noisy and smoky” Jasmine said
“Motor? What is that? I just have khan. But, does Khan have a and ?” Mulan said.
“No Mulan, Khan is a . It is never noisy and , because Khan does not have a muffler.
“Urgghh…let’s walk . I am so tired, I just want to sit and drink a cup of tea” Aurora said
“Oooh…Jamu!” Mulan said
(5 minutes later…)
“Ahha…that is my aunt’s house” Auuunnnntttt!” Jasmine screamed and ran
“Jasmine…waiiit! That is not Aunt Tulip house, it is a stable” Aurora said
“What? So where is my aunt’s house? Did she move? Auunnttt! Huaaaa” Jasmine is hysteric suddenly.
“No! Amnesia girl, it is not Aunt’s house, but it is her . Open your eyes! That is Aunt’s house” Aurora said while her finger points the small house near the stable.
“Oh yes…I forget! Hurray...My aunt is okay! ” Jasmine said and ran.
“Knock…Knock! Anybody is home? Aunt, Jasmine’s here.” Jasmine shouted.
“Hello! Hai Jamie! Oh I miss you too!” Aunt Tulip said
“Jamie…I am Jasmine! Oohh…. Aunt Tulip is so forgetful. You are not like me” Jasmine said.
“Hello Aunt Tulip, remember me? I am Belle, Aurora, and Mulan!” Belle said.
“Oh hai…Selle, Gaurora and Mulan” Aunt Tulip said
“Urgghhh…why do you always call me Gaurora? I am Aurora, without G aunt!” Aurora said.
“Oh yes…I forget! Okay…come in and have a seat! Let’s drink together” Aunt Tulip said.
(Then Aurora, Belle, Jasmine and Mulan sit in the living room, while their hands hold a glass of warm milk.)
“Ahhh, fresh milk is so ” Aurora said
“What? Milk? Where is it?” Mulan said. “It is a coconut milk”
“Mulan…it is a milk. A does not have a taste” Aunt Tulip said. “Is that so Selle? Gaurora?”
“Aurora, Aunt!” Aurora said. “Why the nephew and the aunt are so similar?”
“OOOHH, I just know that it is not a coconut milk, I usually drink jamu only” Mulan said
“It Is Tea! It’s not a jamu!” Belle said
“Ouuuhhh…I forget! Sorry!” Mulan said
“GEDOMPRANG!” Belle and Aurora shocked.
“Hey Jasmine! Selle said that you want to give me a , where is it?” Aunt Tulip said
“A present? Where?” Jasmine asked.
“I have given the present box to you!” Aurora said. “I put Belle’s and my present to!”
“Yeah!” Mulan said (But really… it is so unimportant)
“When we sat in the bus, I put them on the and then…” Aurora said
“Let me guess, when we arrived, you forgot to take it back” Aurora said
“I think so…” Aurora said
“NOOOOO!” Aurora is unconscious successfully.
“Heeeiii…what is my ?” Aurora said innocently. “I don’t do anything”
“Gabruk” Belle is unconscious.
“Heiii, why do sleep? I want to sleep to!” Mulan said
And Belle, Aurora and Mulan sleep in the living room, Aunt Tulip and Jasmine talk about everything. Forget about Selle and Gaurora.

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ApA ce ArMy MAoT ItUw.....PAda PeNAsAraNd yaH.Army MaOt AdALah PerKumPuLAnd Ato KoMuNiTas SePEda BoBrOk AliAs JAdUL eang TerleTAg Di kota MaLAng,Msi SeDikIt Sih YanG ikUt,MAKLum Dah Di LiBAs AmA MoTor-MoToR BARu KLUaRAnd DeLLer,akakakakai.

DaRi SuAraNya Aja Dah KeDeNgeRand KaiaK KaLenG OmPreNg,,akaakkaka

SuAraNa SeJEniS MuSik BLACK METAL.....hUfh PARAh Bgt. PeNah TuH MoGoG Di TeNGAh JALaNan, UnTuNg PakE HELeM eang ADa KaCAnya,DiKLoKsOnIn ORANG agi, MuKAKu maU Taro DiMANaH.akakaakak. Pas BeRheNtI Di PeReMPaTAn,WuIh ASEPnYa BuNg KLuAr DARi MESin TENGaH, BUkaN KLoaR DaRi KENALPoT, NgEPooooT Oi..akakkaakakak

TeMEn SaIa BiLAng, DArI KEJAuHan AjaH DaH Tau KaLo NtU MoToR SaIA,,,,,Ehehehehe. PA DiKAta OraNg Dah Cuek AjaE. MeSiNnya daH PAdA BeJAdh weUh, SuaRANya NyAriNg BLACK METAL.ohohoohoho

HaRi - Hari DeMi hari SuAra MeSinnya Ga GeNAh BLAZ(Ga karuan) KeTig C SePASi D.hihihihihiihi.
HaRi EnE MoToR SAia MAsuk RSj(Dah PAdA BEJAD SeMoA MEsInnya).WaOh
KAta Pag MoNtIRNya Ce "TuRun BeRoK" eh TuRun MEsIn DiNk...hihihiihihih.
MaKLum LAh SePeDA AkHir JAmAnd HONDA 700, BiSa DiItuNg IDuPnya. Ga BakaLan LAmA deh,,,,hiks.
DaH 4 HaRi Darojah(sepeda)saia MasUk RSJ. MuGA Aja SaIa BiSa JaALAn Lagi MA DaRoJah saia. Klo DaH Kloar Dari BiNgKL PaN SoaRaNya KaiAk MoTor eAng KloaR Dari DeALer, Piuuuuuuwid YihiiiRRRRR. SaIa BisA KliLing Kota SePoASnya, TpI Ati2 Ce Ma eANg NaMaNya Pag PULIsi ( HoRrrrrrMaTd GraaaaG, TeGaG GraG) Ahahahah, Neee DaRoJah PASti InCeRan PaG PuLisi (Ampon daH). DaH SaIa Gag PoNYa SIM Tpi SuRat My DarOjah LenGkap Jeh..eheehehehe.
AlhamDuLillAh Dari DuLuw ga Ada yang TiLang MoToR SaIa. EaH Do’Ain Aje,,,,,ehehehehehe mbekmbekmbekmbek mbekmbekmbek prut prut.

NeH Ku JuGa Mo NgeNAliNd DaRoJAh TeMAnd2 SaIa:

Ini Ada JuLuKAnD nya ,JuLuKAnnya ”SI PUTIH BOKONG SEMOK” Mbah KAkUNgNya JET MATIC ....akaakkakakakk
Nee Eang PuNYa Juga SEMOk. Dari PiNgGGiR SeMok, DaRi DEPan SeMog, DaRi DePan ApALagi ,AduHai Cui,,,ikikikikikikiki.
Nee moToR KaTANya See .. WarisAn Dari OrTu diA. AhLi WariS PerTAma, MAKLum AnaK PerTama.Eheheh . BaPaKnya Dah GanTi MoToR BeBek KloAraNd TerBaRu. DiUsIr DaH VesPAnYa,,,,,ehehehehe........

NeE diJuLuki SI MERAH BRANANG yang PunYa BaWAanNya PeNGeN MaRAh AjE,,,,Cz EaNg PuNYa BaDannya GedE. ESMosI TerUssss....ikikiiiik
Ini Eang PaLiNg ParAh SeJAraHnya. Nee MoToR RaKiTAn SeMoa Dari jamAnd Sma (NyICiL OnDErdiL) ehehehhehe
, DiBeLi Atu Per SaTu TuH OnDerDiLnya.....EhEh BliNya Di TuKang LoaK, PaSAr LoAk Eang TerKENaL di KoTa MaLang NaMaNya CoMbOranD.....SeMoanya Ada Di seNe. Ampe OnDErDel pesaWat UFO..akakakaakakkakka.
To Be KeNTUTnuEt ehehe

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